Thursday, January 9, 2020

Although The Author Of Luke’S Gospel Is Not Directly Stated,

Although the author of Luke’s Gospel is not directly stated, scholars agree that it was more than likely Luke, a doctor, Gentile, and companion of Paul. This was due to the fact that many early Church traditions identity this man as having written about Jesus. Because he was writing primarily for Gentiles who had come into the Church after Jesus and were not raised in Jewish religion or culture, Luke had to be sure to stress that the faith was accessible to all who sought it. A prime example of this occurs in Luke 7:1-10. Proceeded immediately by two parables about the importance of selfless belief and heeding the word of the Lord, the non-Jewish Centurion acts as a paragon of faith to be imitated. The Roman Centurion, through both the†¦show more content†¦The Romans also divided the territory into five districts and appointed a Roman procurator to manage all political, military, and fiscal matters. This was essentially to destabilize the region and make popular upri sing and resistance impossible. Any rebellions that did rise up were harshly and brutally crushed; the people were made an example and the cities were often burnt to the ground. By 4 B.C Palestine was under direct Roman rule and soldiers were placed nearly everywhere to prevent insurgence. Capernaum the heart of Jesus’ ministry. He set up base where he called most of his apostles and often returned there to perform miracles and heal. It was also a major commercial and population center with large industry in fishing and agriculture. By being located on the Northwest shore of the Sea of Galilee the city was a central figure on an important international trade route. Therefore it made sense that a military presence would be located there, more than likely help guard the customs that passed through. However, in Capernaum there was no actual military presence in the city until 44 B.C.E; well after the time of Jesus’ death. The centurion in Luke’s Gospel was more th an likely part of Herod Antipas’ royal army and was set up in one of the largest cities that Antipas controlled. The client kings, as Herod was, appointed by the Roman government were required to keepShow MoreRelatedLuke (6:27) Love of Enemies Reflection Essay3068 Words   |  13 PagesGod acting with. The identification of who the author actually was, is important in showing how he wanted to convey the message that merciful love could be attained in his particular community. Identifying the individual is difficult to pinpoint because multiple sources suggest that the author of this Gospel never actually revealed himself.1 The time period in which he lived is difficult to identify too, but various accounts state that the author wasn’t an eyewitness to the ministry of Jesus. Read MoreWhy Mark 16 : 8?2204 Words   |  9 Pagesone thing that unites Christians across the globe, even if only loosely, it is the resurrection.† (Smith, 2010) As in the other three gospels, the narrator of Mark begins telling his rendition of the resurrection by recounting the visit by Mary Magdalene and her companions to the tomb of Jesus. Mark’s version of the story, however, differs significantly from Luke’s, Matthew’s, or John’s in one important way: the actual resurrection. Upon arriving, the women find the blocking stone at the entranceRead MoreThe Commissioning Of The Twelve4496 Words   |  18 Pagesthis; it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah on the Day of Judgment then for that town. See, I am sending you out like sheep into the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. In Matthew’s footnotes in the Gospel Parallels, we see that this has already been quoted before in two books, Numbers and 1King. â€Å"Which may go out before them, and which may go n before them, and which may lead them out, and which may bring them I; that the congregation of the Lord beRead More Matthew 17: 1-13 Essay3271 Words   |  14 PagesBefore anyone would be willing to die for another, they would need faith in Christ to do so. This passage provided the background context that directly affected my passage. Six days later Jesus took three disciples up the mountain to witness His transfiguration, thereby providing proof that He was the Son of God. The passage after my mine, although it does not affect my verse, it does reflect my verse because it tells what took place after Jesus and His disciples came down the mountain. Verses

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